Friday 22 August 2008

Fifteen ways to kill time during a twenty three flight to Melbourne.

1. Play with the fancy lie flat seat, wonder why you're uncomfortable until the attendant tells you that you've had the massage function switched on for the last two hours.

2. Eat free Toblerones until you feel sick

3. Wonder why they give you a nice comfy seat, but your pillow is the size of a throat lozenge

4. Spill crossiant crumbs down your chest

5. Watch Kung Fu Panda (perfect in flight movie!)

6. Keep accidentally nudging the call button until the flight attendant gets snippy with you

7. Read 183 pages of Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and be surprised that it’s actually very well written.

8.Give your place in the toilet queue to a heavily pregnant woman, then retreat sheepishly to use the toilet downstairs as you hear her hurling violently inside the cubicle and pressing the emergency button

9. Feel smug you’re not the flight attendant who cleaned up after what happened in number eight.

10. Constantly check that you haven’t lost your wallet and passport, even though you just checked two minutes ago

11. Spill black coffee down your chest, making the crossiant crumbs (see 5) soggy and ruining an almost new polo shirt

12. Take a half time shower in the spiffy Qantas lounge at Singapore. Change shirt!

13. Play Tetris on the seat back games console and realise that you still suck after all these years.

14.Type a list of ways to kill time to put on your blog

15. Wiggle your toes



Anonymous said...

well i had a 2 hour flight and that was dead boring no tv, and only the radio for electronic entertainment but i had a colouring book :-)

but really it is so boring

hope your return flight is more... fun

maybe you should buy a movie

keep writing

Anonymous said...

aandd...Wiggle Toes..

Okay! I have it all written down for my 30 FREAKING HOUR flight to the USA at the end of the year.

Shanks Rob!

Anonymous said...

Hello come quicker i cant wait to see you still countin down!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think I was on that flight.

The poor people seats had nothing, and even the pockets broke, but walking through less-poor-people class, they had a screen each, huge great seats, leg room and pockets that didn't fall off the wall.

I had to watch Kung Fu Panda on a screen that was about thirthy feet away from me.
Fun flight.

Anon Anon said...

Glad to find you liking Twilight :D

Anonymous said...

omg lol kung fu panda is a funny movie :). poor crossiant crumbs lol. ;( the got soggy =P